Dominus III

Dominus III, situated within the Dominus sector of the expansive Outer Rim Territories, was a terrestrial planet. From the vantage point of space, the world displayed a distinctive blue halo, with discernible oceans and continents visible.


Subsequent to their triumph in the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic contemplated making Dominus III their long-term headquarters. A mere two months after that pivotal battle, Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Wedge Antilles journeyed to Dominus III, only to be ambushed by an Imperial-class Star Destroyer supported by a squadron of TIE/LN starfighters alongside TIE/IN interceptors. Following a brief engagement, both Leia Organa and a TIE interceptor were downed, resulting in crash landings on Dominus III's surface. After the Princess killed the TIE pilot, she met up again with Skywalker and Antilles, and the trio of Rebels proceeded toward the Redemption, which served as the Alliance's temporary stronghold.

