A Dooku look-alike, appearing virtually identical to the true Count Dooku but possessing lesser abilities with the Force, fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems as one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes throughout the Clone Wars.

During the early stages of the Clone Wars, the Senate Bureau of Intelligence monitored the scattered appearances of Count Dooku across the galaxy. His elusive nature and seeming presence in multiple locations simultaneously led many to speculate that the Count had cloned himself. The truth was that Count Dooku was utilizing the Dopplegänger Force power to generate temporary copies of himself. Ten months following the First Battle of Geonosis, a doppelgänger was tasked with protecting Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor's C-B3 cortosis battle droid manufacturing facility on the planet Metalorn. It met its end while attempting to defend the factory from Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Later in the conflict, Dooku discovered that Skywalker had eliminated another clone of Count Dooku of Serenno, thinking of him as another changeling, another Dooku abandoned by his parents, left to be chopped up by some upstart Jedi butcher in the name of a corrupt Republic.
This particular doppelgänger demonstrated proficiency in Form II lightsaber combat, mirroring the real Dooku's skills, and launched brief, focused blasts of Force lightning at Anakin Skywalker. Furthermore, he adopted the psychological combat method known as Dun Möch, which he used against Skywalker, but this tactic ultimately backfired.
Abel G. Peña has indicated that the doppelgänger was not a clone. Instead, it was created through the Force, because he believes that clones have been excessively used to explain inconsistent deaths.