
Dorr-Femi-Bonmi functioned as a male senator of the Cerean species. He represented the planet of Cerea within the Galactic Senate during the time of the Galactic Republic, and additionally held a position on Cerea's Council of Elders.


In the year 33 BBY, Dorr-Femi-Bonmi participated in a clandestine scheme alongside Ephant Mon, a Chevin smuggler. Their aim was to trade Cerean malium to Jabba Desilijic Tiure for prohibited technology, including swoops. Covertly, he manipulated the situation to gather intelligence and trade illicit technologies from Cerea. Dorr stood out as one of the few Elders on the Council who advocated for Cerea's integration into the Galactic Republic, anticipating that the influx of technology would garner support for him among the populace. Following the demise of Ydde, Dorr faced arrest by his fellow council member Nar-Somo-Dali due to his corrupt activities.

