Ydde, a merchant of the Ortolan species and male, resided in the Outsider Citadel found on Cerea. His life came to an end not long before the Invasion of Naboo.
Ki-Adi-Mundi and Ydde maintained a close friendship; Ydde frequently assisted Ki in locating individuals on their world. He inadvertently learned of a scheme between Dorr-Femi-Bonmi, a Cerean Elder, and Ephant Mon involving the importation of swoops and other technological items to Cerea in return for supplies of malium. Attempting to flee the citadel, he was captured and put to death by the Elder's agents due to his perceived involvement.
Ydde's extended family, living on Orto, outlived him.
During 19 BBY, the Jedi named Nem Bees adopted Ydde's persona while undertaking a covert operation on Orto.