The Dorvalla Incident signified a fresh stage in the operations conducted by the Nebula Front.
Within the scope of the Sith Grand Plan, Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, aimed to solidify his control over Nute Gunray, the viceroy governing the Trade Federation. In 33 BBY, an opportunity arose on the planet Dorvalla, situated in the Outer Rim. On Dorvalla, InterGalactic Ore and [Lommite Limited](/article/lommite_limited], two competing mining corporations, were sabotaging each other's Lommite ore shipments. Sidious dispatched Darth Maul, his Sith apprentice, to escalate this conflict. Through clandestine acts of sabotage and trickery, Maul intensified the rivalry, causing both companies to suffer losses of transports and hindering their ability to deliver ore to their customers. Consequently, Jurnel Arrant, the Executive officer of Lommite Limited, suggested a merger of the two companies, resulting in the formation of Dorvalla Mining. He also arranged for the Trade Federation to represent Dorvalla in the Galactic Senate and secure exclusive rights for shipping and distributing Dorvalla's ore. Gunray updated Sidious on these developments, and Sidious assured him that their involvement with Dorvalla was far from over.
Concurrently, the Nebula Front's militant faction, led by Havac (Eru Matalis), gained prominence. The Front then decided to enlist Arwen Cohl, a well-known mercenary, and his team to initiate direct violent confrontations against the Trade Federation and its allies.
The Federation sustained relatively minor physical damage, including the loss of several droids, one bulk freighter (out of thousands), a recovered cargo of lommite ore, and a shipment of aurodium, which was the most valuable item on the freighter.
Nevertheless, both Cohl and the Nebula Front's militant wing garnered increased respect from those oppressed by the Trade Federation. Furthermore, the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order began to view them with greater concern (particularly since Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, two of their Knights, had been present during the attack, albeit in disguise).
The newly recognized threat posed by the Front prompted Nute Gunray, the Viceroy, to mandate the militarization of Federation ships. Simultaneously, the Galactic Senate began contemplating the taxation of trade routes in response. Both of these actions ultimately precipitated the Eriadu Trade Summit, which, in turn, led to the Blockade of Naboo.
Moreover, the stolen aurodium eventually surfaced in the InterGalactic Bank account of Finis Valorum. This event triggered a scandal, which facilitated his removal from office.