Dressellian, alternatively referred to as Dressellese, served as the formal language of Dressel, and was employed by its indigenous inhabitants, the Dressellians. The Dressellian language was uncomplicated, and its development spanned millennia, including its writing system, which was based on symbols.
Because of the intimate connections between Dressellians and the Bothans, Dressellian readily assimilated a significant quantity of Bothese vocabulary soon after their introduction to the broader galaxy. Following the liberation of Dressel from the Imperial occupation, the Dressellians abandoned their ancient, symbol-based writing method, and instead chose to utilize the Bothese alphabet for writing their language.
The majority of Dressellians also possessed fluency in Basic.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology (as Dresselese, Dressellian) (First mentioned)
- Stay on Target