The planet S'krrr was the original home of Drogs, a species of sizable, dark-colored beetles. These creatures possessed a remarkable digestive system, enabling them to consume and process nearly any substance. While their primary diet consisted of plants, they were also known to feed on deceased organisms. Typically, they moved around in sizable groups. Despite their destructive impact on vegetation, they played a crucial role as the primary pollinators of their planet. They are even willing to scavenge for sustenance, and face few threats from other animals. Their primary threat came from the bat-like predators called shreevs. To keep the populations of shreevs and drogs at a good level, S'krrr gardeners put in effort. Shreevs are necessary to keep the drog population in check, due to the rapid reproduction rate of the drogs. It was noted that placing two drogs together in a container would result in a population exceeding ten individuals within a single standard day. Despite the lack of supporting evidence, a widespread belief existed that the S'krrr people originated from the drogs. Due to this belief, a specific cult of S'krrr people worshiped the drogs.