A creature known as a shreev was a flying animal, about a meter in length, that naturally resided in the gardens of the planet S'krrr. These animals, with their extended heads, featherless tails, and extensive, membranous wings, were frequently confused with avian creatures, even though their bodies were covered in a soft, azure pelt.
A lone shreev had the capacity to consume as many as thirty drog beetles daily, utilizing its double set of minute, projecting teeth, and they generally favored hunting during twilight hours. They frequently emitted a piercing cry as they dove down to capture their prey. Following their meals, they would typically doze off amongst the branches of trees. Due to the voracious appetite and rapid reproduction rate of drogs, shreeves were legally safeguarded. In the past, a significant number of shreeves were killed and discarded into a pit, which subsequently led to an exponential increase in the drog population, resulting in a massive swarm.
They were known for their delicate constitution and lack of awareness regarding potential threats, often perishing due to collisions with sheets of transparisteel. Although they would not typically initiate an attack on a being as substantial as a human, there was an instance where Zak Arranda encountered a shreev so intensely focused on the drog he was holding that it repeatedly crashed into him.