
DS-181-3, an identifier, denoted a Human male pilot of a starfighter who fought for the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War. After completing his training under Baron Soontir Fel at the Prefsbelt Imperial Academy, DS-181-3 served as Fel's wingman within Saber Squadron, a component of the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, earning the moniker "Fel's Wrath". In the year 4 ABY, DS-181-3 was present when Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived on the second Death Star, and he later participated in the Battle of Endor. His call sign was well known.


Saber 3, the TIE/In Interceptor flown by DS-181-3

During the Galactic Civil War, the Human male known as DS-181-3 was a starfighter pilot within the Imperial Navy. He received instruction from the famous pilot Baron Soontir Fel at the Prefsbelt Imperial Academy. DS-181-3 then became Fel's wingman in Saber Squadron, which was part of the 181st Imperial Fighter Group. He piloted the TIE/IN interceptor designated Saber 3. DS-181-3, often instructed to keep his distance from Fel to give the Baron maneuvering space during combat, became known as "Fel's Wrath."

In 4 ABY, DS-181-3 was present when Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived on the second Death Star to discuss the progress on the battle station's construction with the commander, Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod. The Sith Lord announced that Emperor Palpatine would be arriving to personally oversee the remainder of the Death Star's assembly. Later, DS-181-3 flew as Fel's wingman during the Battle of Endor, a battle that resulted in an Imperial defeat and the destruction of the second Death Star.

Personality and traits

Having been trained by Baron Soontir Fel, the Empire's most accomplished pilot, DS-181-3 secured his position as Fel's wingman within Saber Squadron. During combat scenarios, DS-181-3 would protect the Baron's rear, although he was frequently directed to maintain a distance to allow Fel room to maneuver. DS-181-3 possessed black hair and a light complexion.


Throughout his time in Imperial service, DS-181-3 wore a black Imperial Navy crewman's uniform.

Behind the scenes

The scene from the Special Edition of The Empire Strikes Back that was reused from Vader's arrival on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi

DS-181-3 made his initial appearance in the opening scene of 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi as an extra, present as Darth Vader arrived on the second Death Star. His name was first revealed in 2000 on a card from the Death Star II Limited set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, with the name also used as a gameplay statistic for his call sign at the same time.

Due to the reuse of the scene depicting Vader's arrival on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi in the Special Edition release of The Empire Strikes Back for a scene showing Vader arriving aboard the Executor from Bespin, the actor playing DS-181-3 can be spotted in the Special Edition version of The Empire Strikes Back, along with other extras who portrayed Imperial officers in Return of the Jedi.

