
The Duuvhals originated from Yashuvhu and were a reptilian species lacking sentience. These reptiles, indigenous to Yashuvhu, possessed green feathers and maintained a warm-blooded physiology. Their physical structure allowed them to blend into their homeworld's rainforests with remarkable ease, making them difficult to detect. Despite their size, duuvhals could move quickly, but they primarily targeted their natural prey, avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Furthermore, their venomous fangs posed a lethal threat, even to Humans.

Duuvhals, though typically encountered in their natural habitat, were capable of being tamed. The Yashuvhi people sometimes kept them as domesticated animals, even training them to bite when instructed. The Force Adept and traveler Valara Saar owned a Duuvhal companion named Zeev. Following Zeev's passing on Aargau, she acquired another duuvhal, named Jedi, as a pet upon returning to Yashuvhi.

