Dyne, a Human male from the Legends continuity, held the rank of captain within the Judicial Forces. Around the commencement of the Clone Wars, he was reassigned to Republic Intelligence.
In the year 19 BBY, which was towards the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Captain Dyne provided assistance to the Jedi order in their investigation concerning a Neimoidian mechno-chair. This chair offered a clue concerning the identity of Darth Sidious. After locating Sidious' secret location within the Coruscant sector referred to as the Works, Dyne and his squad joined Mace Windu along with other Jedi in exploring the Works. This exploration eventually directed them to the sub-levels of 500 Republica. Their investigation was temporarily stopped by 500 Republica's security personnel, who detained the group for several hours while awaiting clearance. Eventually, they were granted access. Nevertheless, Sidious' trail vanished on a seemingly ordinary ferrocrete floor. The numerous footprints on the floor obscured any indication of where the trail might resume. Dyne expressed his desire to request additional probe droids to aid in scanning for the Sith Lord's location and to initiate scans of the basement walls and partitions, a task he projected would require several weeks.
The Battle of Coruscant, initiated by Count Dooku and General Grievous, interrupted Dyne and the Jedi. The initial tremors of 500 Republica, caused by falling destroyed ships, were followed by the building's plasma weapons activating. Dyne chose to persist in the search while the Jedi departed to contribute to the planet's defense. Upon learning about the attack, Dyne briefly contemplated joining the battle. However, Valiant convinced him that uncovering Sidious' identity held equal importance. While awaiting the arrival of additional droids, Dyne initiated a preliminary scan of the basement using the available resources. Recognizing that standard frequencies were jammed, the intelligence officer instructed the droids to seek out less common frequencies. They discovered one originating from the precise location where Sidious' trail had disappeared. After scanning the turbolift shaft to estimate its depth, Dyne attempted to contact Windu. However, due to the ongoing communication disruptions, he and Valiant decided to proceed without the Jedi. The team boarded the platform, the droids activated it, and they descended into the depths of 500 Republica. In the dimly lit corridors below, the team discovered a substantial metal door. Behind it, the probe droids detected one organic being and several droids. As the team prepared to approach the door, they overheard someone speaking Geonosian. They turned to find a pair of Geonosian soldier drones aiming sonic blasters at them. The Geonosians immediately opened fire, sending Dyne, Valiant, and his soldiers' bodies crashing into the door. As Dyne lay severely wounded, the door opened, and Sidious emerged with two unidentified assassin droids, observing the scene. In his final moments, Dyne was shocked to realize that Sidious was actually Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, he died before he could share this revelation with anyone.