The Eastern Fleet represented one of the three fleets that collectively formed the battle fleet belonging to Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva's realm. This naval force consisted of twenty-seven Firekiln warships, a complement of fifty Whisperlike fighters, and approximately one hundred ships serving as [escort](/article/unidentified_escort_ship] vessels for the Firekilns. Esva himself held the command of this fleet.
During the year 0 ABY, the Eastern Fleet participated in a battle that took place within the Poln system of the Candoras sector. Their opponent in this engagement was Task Force Admonitor, along with the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Chimaera, and the formidable Death Squadron. The outcome of this battle was the complete annihilation of the Eastern Fleet, compelling Esva to execute a retreat.
This fleet, a component of the forces serving Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva's realm, stood as one of three equally powerful fleets that constituted the warlord's complete battle fleet. The Eastern Fleet's composition included twenty-eight Firekiln warships, accompanying escort starships for these vessels, and a squadron of fifty Whisperlike fighters. The Eastern Fleet, a force significant enough to fill an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer's viewport, operated under the direct command of Esva.
As a key element of the campaign orchestrated by Esva to bring an end to his conflict with Senior Captain Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, the warlord dispatched the Eastern Fleet to the Poln system within the Candoras sector during 0 ABY. The intended objective was to decimate Thrawn's Task Force Admonitor, led by the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Admonitor, alongside other Imperial forces, notably the Imperial II Chimaera Chimaera. The majority of the fleet arrived simultaneously, with a delayed arrival of four Firekilns occurring after Thrawn communicated to Esva, via comm, that Poln's Golan I space station had used its missiles to eliminate the Eastern Fleet's fifty Whisperlike starfighters.

As the fleet's constituent vessels maneuvered into their designated battle positions, the Chiss senior captain and the Storm-hair warlord maintained communication through comm channels. Esva asserted that following Thrawn's impending death, the Eastern Fleet would proceed to obliterate the system's binary planets, Poln Major and Poln Minor. Once Esva's forces had achieved their optimal deployment, Thrawn summoned the Death Squadron, a contingent of Imperial Star Destroyers under the command of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, operating from the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor. Subsequently, Vader issued the order for all Imperial forces present to engage the Eastern Fleet, resulting in its complete destruction. However, Esva managed to escape aboard his Kazellis-class light freighter, the Salaban's Hope.
The Eastern Fleet made its first appearance in Timothy Zahn's novel Choices of One, published in 2011.