Edge of Victory Duology

The Edge of Victory Duology represents a section of The New Jedi Order book series. Greg Keyes is the author of this duology, which includes The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest and The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth.

This duology served as a substitute for the previously planned Knightfall Trilogy, which was ultimately canceled.

A combined edition, featuring both novels in one volume, was released by the Science Fiction Book Club.

Publisher's summary

Anakin Solo, defying Luke Skywalker's explicit instructions, pilots his X-Wing into the heart of battle. He can no longer stand idly by while the relentless Yuuzhan Vong assault threatens the Jedi academy on Yavin IV. Engaged in a perilous rearguard action, Anakin aids in the evacuation of the young Jedi initiates. However, even as the devastated survivors manage to flee, he becomes stranded on the moon's dense jungle. To make matters worse, Yuuzhan Vong shapers may have discovered a method to corrupt his friend Tahiri, transforming her into a lethal Dark Jedi, a puppet controlled by their will.

Yet, amidst this period of immense peril, a fragile beacon of hope emerges, revealing the first tangible weakness in the Yuuzhan Vong's seemingly impenetrable defenses. Now engaged in a desperate race against the clock, Anakin taps into the depths of the Force to rescue Tahiri from her torment, while Luke dispatches Jacen Solo on a critical mission to extract Anakin and Tahiri from the perilous Yavin IV.

Notes and references
