
Edrii, a Human Vice-Commandant of the InterStellar Regulators, was a female figure who served during the Galactic War. Before the Conquest of Makeb, she was one of the individuals bribed by the Hutt Cartel. As the planet faced an increasing threat of annihilation, the motivation for the Regulators to remain on the surface diminished significantly. Archon Szajin provided Edrii and her colleagues with additional compensation to maintain their presence, even as the majority of the Republic forces and civilians were being evacuated. Despite Szajin's assurances of Makeb's stabilization, he was ultimately challenged and overcome by the Imperial hero, who collaborated with Katha Niar in the effort to rescue the planet.

To ensure that the Regulators did not disclose information regarding the Empire's participation, the Empire utilized their laser drills to entomb the mercenaries within magma and debris. The final sighting of Edrii involved her instructing her troops to seek refuge.

