InterStellar Regulators

The InterStellar Regulators functioned as a mercenary group throughout the period encompassing the Cold War and the Galactic War. They were considered second only to notable Mandalorian clans as one of the most prosperous and formidably armed mercenary groups of that age, boasting a history of victorious military actions across numerous neutral planets. In 3648 BBY, the Regulators entered into a unique agreement to act as the military and law enforcement for Makeb, a world situated at the border of Hutt Space.

A decade later, as the Hutt Cartel planned its conquest of Makeb, they corrupted several of the Regulators' commanding officers with bribes, enlisting their assistance in orchestrating a coup. Numerous lower-ranking members declined to violate their commitment to safeguard the populace they were employed to defend, resulting in their execution by their erstwhile allies or their escape from the planet.

The Sith Empire eliminated almost the entire organization to ensure the Regulators couldn't reveal details of the Empire's participation on Makeb. They employed their laser drills to undermine the stability of sites where the mercenaries were located, entombing them beneath magma and debris.

