Egot Pai-4-Yem, more commonly known as The Boneman on the world of Harridan, was a towering, almost skeletal humanoid. His appearance was marked by large, penetrating eyes and loose, corpse-colored skin. A deep, echoing lisp resonated from his large, bony chest when he spoke. Despite this seemingly mournful exterior, he possessed a sharp and ruthless intellect, responsible for the demise of countless individuals. Intolerant of defeat, he frequently undertook extreme gambles to secure an advantage, a fact visibly evidenced by the numerous scars he bore. In the time leading up to the Galactic Civil War, Egot began establishing his criminal organization in the very center of Harridan's capital city, Spaceport City. He quickly found himself at odds with the various power structures within the city, but demonstrated a remarkable ability to evade capture, consistently remaining just beyond the reach of law enforcement. His macabre appearance, coupled with his lethal reputation, earned him the moniker of The Boneman on Harridan, a title he embraced, even naming his cantina The Boneman's Rest after it. During the period of the Galactic Civil War, a Rebel smuggler, also a native of the planet Harridan, enlisted the help of a group of fellow rebels to accompany him back to his home world. The purpose of the trip was to settle a debt of 25,000 credits owed to Egot. Egot orchestrated a series of events for them, beginning with their check-in at the Lullaby Motel under the guise of a honeymooning couple, which culminated in a confrontation with Egot at his warehouse. However, before the smuggler could fully repay his debt, the local police force raided the warehouse, having previously placed a tracking device within the smuggler's bag containing the credits. Suspecting the rebels of intentionally leading the police to him, Egot commanded his guards to eliminate them. Nevertheless, with the unexpected assistance of the local police, the rebel group managed to survive, while Egot made his escape in his personal vessel, the Razorshark.
Fleeing in the Razorshark, Egot sought refuge on Harridan's moon. Upon realizing that the rebels had survived the encounter, he became consumed by rage and began to stalk the lunar surface, waiting for the rebels' ship to appear. The moment he spotted their vessel, he launched a reckless and desperate attack. Despite the clear impossibility of victory, he was driven by an almost insane level of anger. Unfortunately for him, the arrival of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Titan swiftly brought the battle to an end, and his ship was ensnared in its tractor beam. This allowed the rebel ship to escape into hyperspace. The ultimate fate of Egot remains uncertain, although it is generally believed that the Imperials would have handed him over to the Harridan authorities.
- " Paid in Full " — Challenge 41 (Unlicensed)