Eldewn Sarvool

title: Eldewn Sarvool

A Human female, [Eldewn Sarvool](link url) was Force-sensitive and originated from the planet of Romin.


On the world of Romin, Eldewn Sarvool was born alongside her twin, Elsae Sarvool, to a rich trader. At the age of nine years, a Jedi by the name of Ofar Tan-Doov journeyed to their planet and discerned their natural affinity for the Force. Tan-Doov convinced their parents to permit him to bring them to Coruscant for instruction and acceptance into the Jedi Order. However, as he departed with them on his vessel, a thermal detonator, planted by a local crime boss, detonated. While Tan-Doov perished, Eldewn and her sister managed to survive within an escape pod. They returned to their home, only to discover that the crime lord had destroyed their house and murdered their parents.

The twins were compelled to reside in Romin's impoverished areas, where they cultivated resentment towards both the Jedi, for attempting to remove them from their home, and the crime lord, for the murder of their parents. Their existence was difficult, as the crime lord had placed a bounty on their heads, and the Jedi had pledged to locate them, due to Tan-Doov's assessment that they could be perilous without appropriate guidance.


  • "Bounty Postings 7: Eldewn and Elsae Sarvool, Twin Runaways" at Wizards.com (this content is no longer available; backup link provided)
