Entechment rig

Entechment rigs were technological instruments utilized by the Ssi-ruuk to perform entechment. This process involved the extraction of a living being's vital energies, which were then used as a power source for various technological devices employed by these reptilian aliens.


An individual was secured within an entechment chair, where a catchment arc was strategically positioned. Prior to the entechment procedure, a magnetic solution, identified as magsol, was introduced into the subject's carotid artery. Subsequently, the catchment arc generated a potent magnetic field, which charged the magsol and systematically drained the subject's life force. This process inflicted intense suffering on the individual, ultimately resulting in their death.

The Ssi-ruuk harnessed the collected life energy to energize a range of technologies, including Ssi-ruuvi ion paddle beamers, battle droids, and other advanced devices.

Due to the profound suffering experienced by those subjected to them, entechment rigs were often associated with minor concentrations of the dark side of the Force.

A Ssi-ruuvi entechment rig


This technology was originally conceived by the Ssi-ruuk for application on a slave species known as the P'w'ecks. Upon encountering the galaxy, the Ssi-ruuk discovered that Humans possessed a significantly greater energy potential compared to the P'w'eck. However, an imprint of the Human's memories accompanied the energy flow into the catchment arc. This imprint retained a sense of being alive and frequently experienced psychosis induced by the entechment, which reduced the sustainable period of the life energy to only a few days.

Despite the subjects' obvious agony, the Ssi-ruuk asserted that the entechment process was painless. To mitigate the rapid degeneration of life energies, they employed Force-sensitive Human Dev Sibwarra to pacify those undergoing entechment, falsely assuring him that the process was painless and even promising him that he would someday be "allowed" to be enteched.

During the Invasion of Bakura in 4 ABY, Dev detected the presence of Luke Skywalker through the Force. He deduced that Skywalker's Jedi abilities could enable him to entech subjects from considerable distances. The Ssi-ruuk, agreeing with this proposition, commissioned the construction of a specialized reclining entechment bed. This bed was equipped with restraints for the arms and legs, along with dual tubes designed to infuse both magsol and nutrients into the subject's bloodstream, thereby calming the nervous system for the bed's catchment circuits.

This continuous nutrient supply allowed the Ssi-ruuk to keep the subject on the entechment bed for extended periods, lasting several days. Additionally, an upper spine beamer could induce numbness for periods ranging from thirty-five minutes to two hours to overcome resistance. The reptilian aliens also developed a mind-altering drug designed to compel a Jedi to entech subjects against their will, a process that inflicted extreme pain on both the captive Jedi and the individuals being subjected to entechment.

This bed was initially tested on Dev, who enteched a subject located a few meters away. The Ssi-ruuk were convinced that Luke Skywalker's Jedi prowess would allow him to entech subjects from distances of thousands of kilometers. After capturing him, they commenced preparations for their plan. However, Dev managed to overcome his indoctrination and subsequently freed Skywalker. Together, they defeated the Ssi-ruuk aboard the ship Shriwirr, forcing them to retreat.

