
Sibwarra, previously known as the Shriwirr, represented a significantly modified Shree-class battle cruiser of the Ssi-ruuvi species. It functioned as the command vessel for the assault squadron targeting the isolated Imperial planet Bakura shortly following the events of the Battle of Endor. Upon its seizure by the forces of the Rebel Alliance, it underwent a name change, being rededicated in honor of Dev Sibwarra.


The Ssi-ruuk were a reptilian race originating from the most distant regions of the galaxy. The Shriwirr was an imposing warship, measuring approximately 900 meters in length and possessing the Ssi-ruuvi equivalent of 24 heavy turbolaser batteries, 24 ion cannons, a complement of 12 concussion-missile launchers, and 12 tractor beam emitters. In addition, it housed a contingent of 500 Swarm-class battle droids, which served as the Ssi-ruuvi counterpart to conventional starfighters.

Shriwirr schematics.

Given the Ssi-ruuk's strong emphasis on capturing enemy vessels, the Shriwirr frequently employed its tractor beam projectors and ion cannons to disable and seize opposing ships, subsequently drawing them into expansive docking bays. The crews of these captured vessels were then subjected to a process known as entechment, wherein their life essences were extracted and transferred into the Ssi-ruuk's droids, starships, and computer systems. The Shriwirr featured a substantial entechment laboratory onboard, where numerous prisoners were transformed into Ssi-ruu slaves. An additional thirty such laboratories were in the process of construction before the Ssi-ruuk's ultimate defeat.

The Shriwirr incorporated ceiling heights of five meters to accommodate the considerable stature of the Ssi-ruuk. Furthermore, it included a network of tunnels and passageways designed to facilitate the movement and duties of the P'w'ecks, a species subjugated by the Ssi-ruuk and utilized as slave labor. Due to the perceived untrustworthiness of the P'w'ecks, the Shriwirr was equipped with stun traps intended to ensure compliance and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive areas of the ship. These stun traps were capable of incapacitating a P'w'eck but posed a lethal threat to Humans.

Conductive netting was also implemented to mitigate energy surges and sustain stable gravitational conditions, compensating for the Ssi-ruuk's limited technological capabilities in developing advanced artificial systems for their starships.

The term "Shriwirr" translates from the Ssi-ruuvi language as "ripe with eggs."


During the Invasion of Bakura, Luke Skywalker was taken prisoner, but he managed to escape from the entechment laboratory and disable the engineering control station. Despite the Jedi Knight being weakened and infected with a parasite, the Ssi-ruuk chose to abandon the Shriwirr rather than confront him in battle.

The New Republic forces subsequently captured the vessel, refitted it, and integrated it into their own fleet. It was then renamed Sibwarra in honor of Dev Sibwarra, who had been instrumental in saving Skywalker's life. Some technicians derisively referred to it as Flutie, a pejorative term applied to the Ssi-ruuk due to their unique mode of communication. However, this nickname was not appreciated by those who had fought against the alien invaders.

Following the Battle of Bakura, the Sibwarra spearheaded a New Republic fleet into Ssi-ruuvi territory with the objective of addressing the alien threat. During this expedition, some members of the Sibwarra's crew fell victim to Ssi-ruuvi security measures that remained active on board the ship. Upon the New Republic task force's arrival in Ssi-ruuk space, they discovered that the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium had been subjected to an attack by an unknown species. Recognizing the weakened state of their adversary, the New Republic task force opted to retreat to Bakura.

