Shree-class battle cruiser

The Shree-class Battle Cruiser served as a crucial capital ship within the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium's naval forces, functioning as a command vessel during both invasions and space engagements.



With a length of 900 meters, it was equipped with armaments comparable to 24 heavy turbolasers (in Ssi-Ruuvi terms), 24 ion cannons, a dozen concussion missile launchers, and a dozen tractor beam projectors, establishing it as a warship of considerable power. Furthermore, the battle cruiser housed a complement of 500 Swarm-class battle droids.

Given the Ssi-Ruuk's strong emphasis on capturing enemy vessels, they frequently employed the battle cruiser's ion cannons and tractor beam projectors to seize enemy ships, subsequently drawing them into expansive hangar bays. Following this, they would capture the crews of these ships and subject them to a process known as entechment, extracting their life essences to power their droids, ships, and computer systems. The majority of ships belonging to this class featured a sizable entechment laboratory dedicated to the entechment of prisoners, as well as massive batteries for the storage of these enteched energies.

Due to the considerable height of the Ssi-Ruuk, battle cruisers incorporated ceilings that were five meters in height. Additionally, various tunnels and passageways were integrated into the ship's design to facilitate movement and task completion for the P'w'ecks, a species subjugated by the Ssi-Ruuk. Given the untrustworthy nature of the P'w'ecks, battle cruisers were outfitted with stun traps, ensuring the P'w'ecks' compliance with orders and preventing their entry into sensitive ship areas. These stun traps could inflict severe pain upon the P'w'ecks and prove fatal to a Human.

To mitigate energy fluctuations and maintain stable gravity, conductive nets were implemented, as the Ssi-Ruuk lacked the technological sophistication to install advanced artificial systems on their starships.

