
Entymals were sentient insectoid beings originating from Endex, a canyon-filled world situated in the Outer Rim. These creatures possessed a tough exoskeleton, along with chitinous membranes that facilitated gliding. Their society was structured as a hive, featuring a single fertile queen, numerous infertile females, and a small number of male drones. Despite their reputation as highly skilled pilots, the Entymals were enslaved by the Galactic Empire because of their physical strength. This enslavement persisted under the rule of the Pentastar Alignment.

Biology and appearance

The insectoid species known as Entymals exhibited a bipedal form. Their slender bodies were protected by a robust exoskeleton, with individuals typically measuring between 1.2 and 2 meters in height. In sunlight, the exoskeleton displayed a metallic-jade color. Their heads were distinctly shaped, appearing small and bulbous, with two prominent jewel-like eyes dominating their faces.

An Entymal walks on four limbs.

A thin chitinous membrane stretched from their abdomen to each wrist joint. When unfolded, this membrane formed a para-wing, granting them a limited ability to glide. In standard gravity conditions, an Entymal could glide a distance of approximately 60 to 100 meters, contingent on wind conditions. Landing required a substantial open space, with Entymals typically needing about 6 meters of flat ground to execute a successful running landing. Their hands were composed of numerous fingers, and their legs featured double joints. Entymals could move either upright or in a hunched posture, employing all four limbs for movement. It was common for Entymals to have spikes protruding from their exoskeletons, located on their heads, torsos, and limbs.

Society and culture

Entymal society was organized around a typical hive structure, with a fertile queen being attended to by infertile females and a small group of male drones. The male drones engaged in an elaborate mating ritual with the queen to produce offspring. This ritual also served as a death rite for the males, who perished shortly after mating. This terminal courtship made it difficult for Entymals to understand the displays of affection common among other species. Consequently, male Entymals often found Human romantic behaviors unsettling and unpleasant.

The Entymals were a technologically skilled species, gaining a notable reputation as exceptional pilots and navigators. This aptitude may have stemmed from their highly developed spatial awareness, facilitated by their unique brain structure.


Some Entymals meet with Prince Xizor.

The sentient Entymals inhabited Endex, a world characterized by numerous canyons and situated within the Outer Rim. Once celebrated as pilots throughout the galaxy, the species faced significant hardship with the rise of the Galactic Empire. The Empire and its corporate allies enslaved thousands of the large, strong drones, forcefully removing them from their hive communities. They were then compelled to work for Amber Sun Mining Corporate as pilots of scoop ship or as satellite miners in gas mines located on Bextar. While a small number of Entymals managed to secure shipping licenses from the Bureau of Ships and Services during this time, they were generally prohibited from leaving Endex, except as slaves. During the Galactic Civil War, two Entymals had a meeting with Prince Xizor, the leader of the powerful crime organization Black Sun.

Following the Empire's downfall, the Entymal's oppression persisted under the Pentastar Alignment. Elta Besk, the head of Dynamic Automata—which controlled the Amber Sun Mining Corporation—supported the formation of the Alignment, primarily out of fear that the New Republic's ideals of freedom would incite rebellion and lead to the liberation of her Entymal workforce.

Behind the scenes

The Entymal made their debut in "The Pentastar Alignment"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 3. A significant portion of this information was subsequently reprinted in Alien Encounters. The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4 later included a color reproduction of the "The Pentastar Alignment" image. They were also featured in the Star Wars Encyclopedia and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.


  • " The Pentastar Alignment " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (also reprinted in Classic Adventures: Volume Four — The Best of the Journal) (First mentioned)
  • The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4 (Picture only)
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia (Under Bextar system)
  • Alien Encounters
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
