Equipment was a specialized division nested within the Intentions section of Alliance Intelligence. This department was comprised of some of the most skilled scientists and technicians in the service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Their primary function was the design and construction of bespoke equipment tailored for covert operations. This included items like listening devices, sensors, small holo-cams, weapons engineered for undetectable use, secure communication systems, and poisons that left no trace. Furthermore, they were responsible for the examination and analysis of Imperial weaponry and technology acquired during operations in the field.
Equipment facilities were spread throughout the galaxy, typically situated on safe worlds. Although their safety record was commendable, these labs were commonly referred to as "boom rooms," and Equipment personnel often had unique and colorful nicknames for one another. The members of Equipment were known for their quirky and playful nature, frequently engaging in pranks against each other and any nearby Rebel unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire. One popular prank involved capturing embarrassing moments on recording and broadcasting them over the base's holo-channel. Despite attempts to stop them, the antics of the "boys in Equipment" continued unabated, leading to a culture of tolerance. However, this behavior inadvertently led to heightened security measures at bases housing Equipment offices, as security personnel conducted more frequent and thorough sweeps for listening devices to avoid becoming the next target of their pranks.
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook