
Er'stacia existed within the region of Wild Space as a planet, and it was the original place of origin, or homeworld, for the Er'stacians.


The surface of Er'stacia was largely defined by extensive tidal pools, creating a temperate environment. The indigenous Er'stacians organized their society into distinct clans, with each clan tracing its ancestry back to specific tidal pools. All clans shared a common reverence for a single ancestor figure, symbolized by a massive stone structure called the Megalith, known as the Venerable One. However, despite this shared respect, each clan asserted its exclusive right to own the statue, leading to almost constant warfare. In these conflicts, the Er'stacians employed a combination of primitive and advanced weaponry, including swords, spears, and walker vehicles.


During the last ten years of the Galactic Republic, a particularly intense Er'stacian clan conflict escalated to such a degree that the Jedi Council, located on Coruscant, became concerned about the potential for widespread extermination. As a result, the council dispatched Jedi Master Mace Windu to mediate a peaceful resolution. Windu concluded that lasting peace was unattainable as long as each clan insisted on sole ownership of the Megalith. To address this, he shattered the statue into numerous fragments, compelling the Er'stacians to either collaborate in its restoration or divide the resulting debris.

