The Er'stacians constituted a sentient species of humanoids characterized by their purple skin and the presence of three clawed digits on each hand. Inhabiting the planet of Er'stacia within Wild Space, these beings organized their society into clans, each tracing its origins back to the tidal pools that dotted their world. These clans all held the Venerable One in high regard, a figure symbolized by a large stone structure known as the Megalith. Paradoxically, while universally venerated, each clan believed that exclusive ownership of the statue was their right. This conviction fueled almost constant conflicts between the clans, where Er'stacians employed a diverse range of weaponry, from primitive swords and spears to more advanced technology like walkers.
During a period spanning from 22 to 19 BBY, one particular Er'stacian clan war escalated to such a degree that the Jedi Council on Coruscant became concerned about the potential for genocide. Consequently, the council dispatched Jedi Master Mace Windu with the aim of brokering a peaceful resolution. Upon his arrival on Er'stacia, Windu realized that lasting peace was unattainable as long as each clan maintained its claim to sole possession of the Megalith. Ultimately, Windu managed to bring an end to the war by shattering the Megalith into countless fragments, thereby compelling the Er'stacians to either collaborate in its restoration or divide the remnants among themselves.
Er'stacians were sentient humanoid creatures distinguished by hands that terminated in three stubby, clawed fingers. Their purple skin was characterized by a mottled pattern and covered in bumps and spikes. All members of this species possessed round, white eyes, prominent, blocky, bluish teeth, and a red or white tongue, along with a collection of knobby growths beneath their chins. However, specific physical traits varied according to clan affiliation. For instance, members of one Er'stacian clan were identifiable by their distinctive upturned noses and protruding lower jaws, whereas members of another displayed prominent snouts and noticeable overbites. Skin mottling patterns also differed among clans, with some exhibiting dark purple spots and others featuring circular spots matching the base skin tone. Regardless of clan, Er'stacians were known for their blue tears, saliva, and mucus.

Er'stacian society was structured around clans, each asserting descent from particular tidal pools scattered across their homeworld, Er'stacia. A unifying element among all Er'stacians was their deep reverence for the Venerable One, also known as the Exalted One, who was considered the legendary creator and ancestral figure of the species. This worship formed the cornerstone of Er'stacian culture. Nevertheless, the clans were perpetually at odds over the rightful ownership of the holy megalithic statue representing their creator, leading to incessant clan wars as each clan relentlessly fought for control of the Megalith. Every part of the statue held religious significance; for example, the single claw contained a Pearl of Wisdom, and the sinewy segments symbolized the Venerable One's ascent from the Primordial Pool to dominate the land. All clans agreed that damaging the statue was a grave offense and that repairing any damage took precedence over all other matters. While at least some Er'stacians possessed the ability to speak and comprehend Basic, their speech was often interspersed with sounds like k'tik and k'tuk.
Almost without exception, clan armies engaged in constant warfare for control of the Megalith, deploying soldiers clad in armor indicative of their clan affiliation. For instance, warriors from one clan wore red armor, while those from another sported green and tan armor. A typical armor set included a helmet—sometimes adorned with horns—a breastplate, gauntlets, shoulder pads, and spiked knee-high boots, all worn over a simple cloth tunic. Their arsenal ranged from basic swords, spears, and morningstars to more advanced firearms and five-legged walkers. Despite their reliance on weaponry and armor, skilled Er'stacian fighters were also capable of engaging in hand-to-hand combat when necessary. War banners further distinguished the warring factions.

The Er'stacians originated on Er'stacia, a land-based planet characterized by hills and tidal pools. According to their cultural narratives, the Venerable One was responsible for creating their species and leading them to the land after emerging from the Primordial Pool. Since that time, their clans have traced their lineages back to different tidal pools, according to their mythology.
Contact with outsiders from another world occurred sometime before 22 BBY, leading to the inclusion of their world within Wild Space.
Throughout much of their history, the Er'stacian clans were locked in conflict over the Megalith, a statue representing the Venerable One and revered by all clans. In the period between 22 BBY and 19 BBY, one such conflict erupted between two rival clans. Dressed in their respective clan armor—red for one side and green and tan for the other—the hostilities escalated. Upon receiving news of the situation, the Jedi Council sent Jedi Master Mace Windu to the planet to prevent a potential genocide. Windu journeyed to Er'stacia aboard his Jedi starfighter with the intention of ending the fighting.
Upon Windu's arrival, the Er'stacian combatants were engaged in intense battle near the Venerable One. The Jedi Master demonstrated his mastery of the Force, stunning the warriors into a temporary truce. He even deflected blaster fire back at the attacker and subsequently healed the injured individual. Windu demanded that both sides cease fighting, threatening them with his own intervention should they refuse. The Er'stacians argued that they could not end their hostilities until one side gained exclusive control of the Venerable One's sculpture. Windu suggested dividing the statue in half with his lightsaber, but both sides rejected this proposal, citing the religious and cultural significance of each part of the statue.
During the negotiations, a member of the red-armored clan accidentally discharged a weapon, chipping a piece off the Venerable One. This incident sparked another outbreak of violence, as the Er'stacian was accused of blasphemy and brutally killed. Windu once again intervened to halt the fighting, and the two clans turned their attention to their sacred statue to assess the damage. Recognizing their shared reverence for and protectiveness toward the megalith, Windu shattered it into thousands of pieces. This act of desecration ultimately brought peace, as both clans collaborated to repair the statue or decide how to divide the fragments. Meanwhile, Windu departed and reported the events to Jedi Master Yoda on Coruscant.
The Er'stacians were conceived for the story "Puzzle Peace," which debuted in 2002 as part of Star Wars Tales 13 from Dark Horse Comics. The species was the creation of writer Scott Beatty and illustrator Sanford Greene, with inks by Kris Kaufman and colors by Dan Jackson. The story was later republished in 2004 in Star Wars Tales Volume 4. While the canon status of stories featured in Star Wars Tales 1–20 is generally ambiguous, the Er'stacian species, their ongoing conflicts, and Windu's mission are referenced in the "Megalith" entry of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, suggesting that the events depicted in the story are considered canon within the Star Wars universe.