The soldiers of this clan were known for wearing green battle armor.
This specific Er'stacian clan was uniquely identified by the green armor that was worn by the soldiers within its army. Sometime in the period spanning from 22 to 19 BBY, this particular clan engaged in a war against their rivals, another Er'stacian clan whose warriors were known for wearing red armor. The central point of contention between the two clans was the possession of the Venerable One, also known as the Megalith, which served as a massive statue that symbolized the original ancestor of all Er'stacians who lived on the planet of Er'stacia. However, before the conflict could escalate to a full-blown genocide, the Jedi Master known as Mace Windu arrived on the scene. Using his lightsaber, he chopped the Megalith into numerous pieces, which prompted the two clans to set aside their differences and work together to reconstruct the statue.