Er'stacian clan war

This tribal conflict transpired on the world of Er'stacia somewhere in the timeline spanning from 22 to 19 BBY. The Er'stacian species' warring clans, as they had done for ages, were fighting for control of the Venerable One, also known as the Megalith—a massive stone figure embodying the race's legendary ancestor. Each clan's armor color indicated their loyalty: red for one faction, green for the other.

The conflict escalated to such a dangerous point that the Jedi Council worried the combatants could potentially wipe out their adversaries. Consequently, they sent Jedi Master Mace Windu to the planet to quell the fighting. Once there, Windu ultimately brokered a fragile truce by slicing the Venerable One statue into segments with his lightsaber, thereby compelling the warring groups to collaborate in either distributing the fragments or rebuilding the monument.

