Erin Rose Wage

Erin Rose Wage, who was born on February 15, 1984, is the author behind Look and Find: Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Furthermore, she has written a multitude of children's books that showcase Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, and various other licensed characters. Her Star Wars books present adaptations of the saga, featuring illustrations crafted by artists such as Art Mawhinney and Brian Rood, among others, complemented by sound effects and voices taken directly from the films.

Erin obtained both her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in English from DePaul University. She also spent a brief period studying archaeology in Athens, Greece. Currently, she resides in Chicago alongside her spouse, Robert, and their two feline companions, Linda and Motorcycle.

Star Wars works

Look and Find

  • Star Wars Rebels Look and Find (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0031-4)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens Look and Find (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0034-5)
  • Star Wars Look and Find (Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi) (ISBN: 978-1-5037-2559-1)

Star Wars Sound Books

  • Lightsaber Rescue (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0323-0)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Flashlight Adventure Book (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0267-7)
  • Follow the Force (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0324-7)
  • Star Wars Saga: Me Reader (ISBN: 978-1-5037-0032-1)
  • You've Never Heard of the Millennium Falcon? (ISBN: 978-1-5037-1012-2)
  • Star Wars on p i kids' official website (backup link)

Notes and references
