Ernie Fosselius, the writer and director behind Hardware Wars (1978), which was the initial widely recognized Star Wars fan film, is a filmmaker. Later on, in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, he lent his voice to the character of Malakili. For the 2002 movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, Fosselius also created dialogue for the Geonosian character Poggle the Lesser. To craft Poggle's Geonosian language dialogue, sound designer Ben Burtt utilized sounds created by Fosselius, including the sounds of his dialogue played in reverse, along with Swahili-esque clicking sounds and the sound of air being blown across the edge of a sheet of paper. Fosselius took over the role from Marton Csokas, an actor who had initially been selected for the part. Neither performer received credit in the final version of the movie.
- Star Wars: The Complete Vader
- The Sounds of Star Wars
- " Red Five " – Star Wars Insider 150