The sibling of Esano, a Human woman whose family was in charge of the Kozinarg Trade Guilds, was abducted by the Scourge. They transported her to the frigid planet of Orto Norwe. Despite being initially freed by the Sith siblings Darth Maul and Savage Opress, she was subsequently held as a hostage. This was a ploy to divert the attention of the Jedi group attempting to capture them. After successfully escaping the Jedi, Maul and Opress brought her to Pleem's Nexus, her native world, in exchange for a substantial sum of credits. When her brother suggested that they eliminate her to ensure his sole inheritance of the family wealth, Maul and Opress murdered him along with his security personnel. Subsequently, she granted them entry to her family's treasury; however, they abandoned it due to the arrival of Jedi from Yellowblade's Landing, which compelled their departure from the world.