
An evarrian was a sizable predatory insectoid creature that dwelled in the marshlands of Jagomir.


Fully grown evarrians, large insectoid hunters, typically reached lengths of four meters. Their segmented bodies and numerous legs facilitated swift movement through the muddy waters of the Jagomir swamps. Their multifaceted eyes granted them exceptional vision. A tough carapace shielded them, and they possessed two extended, pointed claws, coated in a poisonous venom, extending from their upper bodies. This venom not only induced paralysis in their victims but also initiated the disintegration of internal organs. Humans were particularly vulnerable to this toxin.

Evarrians resided in nests, governed by a queen who produced between four and six eggs annually. Upon hatching, the larval evarrians integrated into the nest's population. These larvae were more susceptible to attacks until their crimson carapaces solidified upon reaching maturity. However, as a defensive measure, their venom was more potent until their claws fully hardened.


Following the obliteration of their base on Arda I, when the Rebel Alliance moved to Jagomir, the building of their new Resolute Base resulted in the displacement of much of the evarrians' customary food sources. A local nest of evarrians, motivated by a need to safeguard their nest and driven by increasing hunger, became progressively more aggressive and dangerous. Following an assault on a Rebel reconnaissance team, a select group was assigned the mission of examining and eradicating the evarrian menace.

