Evil Supreme was a droid used for both battle and gladiator combat, employed by Mondo-Mod at the Hutt's Arena of Doom. During the era of the Clone Wars, this particular droid rose to become the Arena's reigning champion. When Jedi Master Luminara Unduli arrived at the gladiator ring in search of the location of a clandestine CIS factory acquired by Mondo-Mod, the Hutt offered the information in exchange for a challenge: the Jedi must defeat his three strongest fighters without using a lightsaber or any abilities derived from the Force.
Following her victories against the first two combatants in the Arena, the exhausted Luminara was pitted against Evil Supreme, often called the "Droid to End All Droids". Despite widespread belief that the massive robot would emerge victorious, Luminara stunned onlookers by picking up a small stone and launching it through Evil Supreme's head with a kick. The gladiator droid was instantly disabled by the pebble, and its subsequent repair status remains unknown.