
A male Hutt of the male persuasion, Mondo-Mod presided over the Arena of Doom. This was a gladiatorial combat arena, and he was its owner during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic. As the Clone Wars raged, Mondo-Mod stumbled upon the secret coordinates of a Confederate weapons factory situated on Diorda. Consequently, he was sought out by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, who desired these coordinates. Mondo-Mod consented to provide Unduli with the factory's location, but only if she could triumph over three of his finest gladiators in the Arena of Doom. He stipulated that she could not use her lightsaber nor her Force powers, a condition the Hutt deemed insurmountable. However, contrary to Mondo-Mod's expectations, Unduli successfully defeated her three adversaries – a wampa, a durkii, and the gladiator droid Evil Supreme – in three distinct battles. This forced Mondo-Mod to reluctantly furnish the Jedi with the information she sought. Adding insult to injury, Mondo-Mod's credit accounts were significantly diminished, as Unduli's former Padawan, Barriss Offee, had amassed a considerable fortune by betting on Unduli's victory in the final contest.


Mondo-Mod existed as a wealthy Hutt business magnate during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. During that time, Mondo-Mod both owned and operated the Arena of Doom, a gladiatorial fighting ring. The arena gained recognition for its elaborate and spectacular matches. Numerous spectators and devoted fans flocked to witness Mondo-Mod's gladiatorial competitions, and the Hutt expanded his wealth through the bets placed by the onlookers on the outcomes of the matches.

Mondo-Mod announces for the fight to begin.

During the period of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Mondo-Mod came to possess the location of a clandestine Confederate weapons factory on the planet Diorda. Soon after, he was approached by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, who expressed a desire to acquire the location of the Confederate arms factory from him. Mondo-Mod consented to furnish the Jedi with the coordinates, but only after she had successfully completed a specific task for him. That task was for Unduli to defeat three of the Hutt's most formidable gladiators within the Arena of Doom, and she had to do it without using her lightsaber or employing her powers connected to the Force. Mondo-Mod felt sure that the Jedi Master would be defeated in at least one of the matches, and that she would be killed.

Unduli accepted Mondo-Mod's challenge, and she quickly prepared to engage in combat within the Arena of Doom against her initial opponent, a wampa originating from the planet Hoth. With a sizable crowd of spectators observing and placing wagers on the match, Mondo-Mod—surveying the fighting pit from an elevated platform above the arena—gave the order for the fight to commence. As the wampa charged toward her, Unduli seized the creature's horns and forcefully propelled the beast into the arena's wall, effectively immobilizing it. Despite Mondo-Mod's protestations that she had violated the rules by employing her Force abilities against the wampa, Unduli assured him that she had merely utilized the principles of physics to redirect the wampa's own momentum and size against itself. Reluctantly, Mondo-Mod permitted her to proceed with the challenge.

The subsequent opponent was a sizable durkii, which struck Unduli with its massive tail, inflicting significant injuries upon her. As Unduli maneuvered between the durkii's legs, the creature attempted to follow her movements, resulting in it rolling over and crashing heavily onto the ground. With the durkii defeated, Unduli was granted permission to advance to her third and final match, much to Mondo-Mod's displeasure. However, the Hutt remained confident that Unduli would be unable to overcome her final adversary, as she was visibly fatigued and severely wounded.

Unduli takes on Evil Supreme.

Unduli's final competitor was a massive, multi-limbed gladiator droid known as Evil Supreme, which towered over her in height. However, Unduli swiftly kicked a small pebble into the droid's faceplate, causing damage to its primary circuits and rendering the droid inoperable. Mondo-Mod was utterly astonished that Unduli had successfully completed his challenge, and he reluctantly provided her with the coordinates to the Confederate weapons factory. The Hutt then had Unduli escorted from the Arena of Doom, issuing an order that she was never to return.

Unbeknownst to Mondo-Mod, Unduli's former Padawan, Barriss Offee, was present at the Arena of Doom during the fights, disguised as an anonymous spectator. Prior to Unduli's match against Evil Supreme, Offee placed a wager of ten million credits on her former Master's victory. Following Unduli's defeat of Evil Supreme, Sniddly—one of Mondo-Mod's underlings—was compelled to settle Offee's wager, thereby depleting Mondo-Mod's entire fortune. Sniddly subsequently reported the devastating loss to Mondo-Mod, and the Hutt was left with no choice but to temporarily close the Arena of Doom until he could recoup his financial losses.

Personality and traits

Mondo-Mod, a male Hutt, derived pleasure from watching Luminara Unduli engage in combat within the Arena of Doom. Prior to Unduli's triumph over her three opponents, he was certain that the Jedi Master would meet her demise during his challenge. Nevertheless, the Hutt held the belief that there was no disgrace in dying within the Arena of Doom, as numerous great warriors had previously fallen in the fighting pit. Upon learning that his entire fortune had been lost as a result of Unduli's victory, Mondo-Mod voiced his animosity toward the Jedi. He possessed green eyes, brown skin, and was devoid of hair. While he had a comprehension of Basic, he primarily communicated in a different language.

Behind the scenes

Mondo-Mod made his initial appearance in Versus, an eighteen-page comic featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8, which was released on June 20, 2007. Subsequently, Mondo-Mod was given an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in December 2008.

