Falan Iniro, a volatile pilot hailing from Corellia, participated in the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. He and his gunner, Gadaf, served in the First Strike Element of the smugglers, operating from the YT-1210 light freighter known as Take That!.
He, alongside his First Strike Element comrades, concealed themselves within the space debris encircling Nar Shaddaa, awaiting Mako Spince's signal to spring their ambush on the Carrack-class light cruiser Renthal's Vigilance, which was initiating a search of the debris field. Mako sent the directive, "Prepare to evade," to all First Strike Element members. Regrettably, some within the element misinterpreted the message as "Prepare to engage," leading them to prematurely launch their assault on the Carrack. Falan Iniro was among these smugglers. He managed to eliminate a single TIE/LN starfighter before confronting the Vigilance, whose turbolasers swiftly obliterated Take That! and its entire crew.