Fara's Belt

Fara's Belt was a spatial locale situated within the Rolion sector of the Outer Rim Territories' expanse in space. During the period of the Galactic Civil War, it served as the location for a communications station operated by the Galactic Empire. In the year 0 ABY, the Rebel Alliance formulated a plan to attack this Imperial facility. However, Imperial Intelligence became aware of the impending operation, although they lacked specific knowledge regarding which of the Empire's bases in the Rolion sector was the intended target. Through a clever deception orchestrated by Major Herrit of Imperial Intelligence, the Empire was able to ascertain that the Fara's Belt installation was the target. Consequently, an Imperial ambush was set, resulting in the complete destruction of the attacking Rebel starfighter squadron.


Within the Outer Rim Territories, specifically in the Trans-Hydian section, Fara's Belt existed as a space location. It was situated within the Rolion sector.


The communications station at Fara's Belt was one of 752 installations operated by the Galactic Empire in the Rolion sector (as depicted).

A communications station belonging to the Galactic Empire was positioned at Fara's Belt during the Galactic Civil War. In 0 ABY, General Jan Dodonna of the Rebel Alliance devised a plan for a swift attack on this facility, utilizing the Alliance's newly developed A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters. Imperial Intelligence discovered that the Alliance was planning an assault on one of the 752 bases within the Rolion sector, but they remained uncertain about which specific location was the target. Major Herrit from Imperial Intelligence then made contact with each of these installations, instructing them to report a unique, but common systems failure to Imperial central command. The Fara's Belt communications station reported a "gravitational fluctuation malfunction."

Subsequently, Imperial Intelligence intercepted a Rebel transmission that mentioned the specific malfunction reported by the Fara's Belt base. This allowed the Empire to prepare an ambush at that location. When the Rebel B-wing squadron emerged from hyperspace above the communications station, they were immediately surrounded and engaged by a superior force of TIE fighters, including both standard TIE/LN starfighters and TIE/IN interceptors. The Rebel force was completely decimated. Later on, Wing Commander Wedge Antilles of the Alliance referenced the raid on Fara's Belt in "Alliance Strategy and Tactics Lecture 137: Combat Starfighters," a holo-lecture intended for mid-level Alliance military and political leaders, focusing on Rebel starfighter strategy and tactics.

Behind the scenes

The incorrect placement of Fara's Belt on the map within The Essential Atlas.

The first mention of Fara's Belt occurred in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, a 1990 publication by Paul Murphy from West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Allen Nunis provided the illustration of the location in the book.

The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed Fara's Belt in grid square Q-6. The StarWars.com Online Companion to that book later situated Fara's Belt within the Rolion sector. This information originated in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook and was subsequently repeated in other sources. However, the The Essential Atlas Extra: Outer Rim Sectors feature of the Online Companion displayed the territory of the Rolion sector and the location of Fara's Belt (as depicted on a map in The Essential Atlas) as non-intersecting. Instead, the feature showed Fara's Belt falling within the Nuiri sector. This article considers that placement to be incorrect.


Notes and references
