Farrfin, the Farghul homeworld, served as the capital of the Farrfin sector. It was infamous as a sanctuary for outlaws. The Farghul developed a deep-seated skepticism towards the Jedi following a raid conducted by them.
During the Galactic Civil War, Farrfin became a safe harbor for the Rebel Alliance, ultimately seceding from the Empire with assistance from the New Republic. In 9 ABY, the New Republic clashed with Grand Admiral Thrawn in a confrontation over Farrfin. The planet's inhabitants numbered around six billion during this period.
Farlhu, Jahhnu, and Geltyu stood as the three primary cities of Farrfin. These urban centers were rife with criminal activity, with grifters commonly running sabacc swindles on nearly every street, and pickpocketing was a frequent occurrence. The renowned betting establishments of Jahhnu accumulated vast amounts of wealth, as naive visitors from other worlds and bored smugglers wagered their profits.