The Farrfin sector existed within the Core Worlds region. Among the planets residing in this sector were Charmath, Firro, Phraetiss, and also Farrfin. The University of Charmath, holding one of the most comprehensive collections of historical records in the Galaxy, was located in this sector.
During the Thrawn Campaign, both the Farrfin sector and the Dolomar sector became significant objectives for the offensives led by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The New Republic mounted a strong defense of these sectors, with Admiral Ackbar conducting a personal inspection of the defensive installations.
The video game Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly locates Khomm, Bilbringi, Taanab, Byss, Kinyen, and Rishi within the Farrfin sector. In actuality, Khomm is situated in the Deep Core, Bilbringi and Taanab are found in the Inner Rim, Kinyen is located in the Expansion Region, and Byss and Rishi are positioned in the Outer Rim. Furthermore, both Rebellion and its official strategy guide, Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, contain a spelling error, referring to the Farrfin sector as "Farfin sector".