Firro, located within the Farrfin sector of the Galactic Core, was a planet that suffered a harsh subjugation at the hands of the Galactic Empire in the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin.
During the subjugation of Firro, many terrible acts were perpetrated. After the Empire had firmly established its dominance over the inhabitants, Lord Cuvir was appointed as the new Imperial Governor of the world.
One of the initial assignments for surgical droid 2-1B, while in service to the Empire, took place on Firro. He was assigned to provide medical assistance to the vast number of injured individuals hurt during the Imperial conquest. Lord Cuvir quickly took notice of 2-1B and made the droid his personal doctor, which left the wounded civilians with less effective medical attention.
Star Wars: Rebellion, a PC game, incorrectly situates Firro within the Farfin sector, which is a typographical error for the actual Farrfin sector.