The Felinians were a sentient species of felinoids whose origins can be traced back to the Felin system. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Felinian technological capabilities were considered underdeveloped when compared to the broader standards of the galaxy. However, a specific group residing within the jungles of the planet known as Zoma V craved access to sophisticated weaponry, most notably blasters. To obtain these weapons, they engaged in trade, offering valuable stones as payment. A Saurian crime lord, Sithless Leethe, endeavored to smuggle weapons manufactured by the Imperial forces to the Felinians, with his Saurian associate, Slopper, overseeing the operation. However, the couriers he selected for the delivery—spacers who had acquired a light freighter from him under the condition that they deliver the unopened crates to the Felinians—instead made the decision to provide the weapons to the Rebel Alliance.
Inhabitants of this species populated the jungles found on the world called Zoma V, situated within the Zoma system of the Outer Rim Territories' Hunnoverrs sector. While their technological advancements were deemed rudimentary when assessed against the standards of the larger galaxy, at least some Felinians demonstrated the ability to operate advanced armaments, such as blasters. These Felinians engaged in bartering, exchanging precious stones for such desirable goods.
The Felin system served as the point of origin for the Felinians, situated within the Spinward sector region of the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Civil War, a Saurian crime lord known as Sithless Leethe acquired a consignment of Imperial weaponry, which he intended to smuggle to the Felinian population residing on Zoma V. These arms were stored within a light freighter named the Limping Lady, which was located on Tatooine and placed under the supervision of Slopper, his lieutenant who was also a Saurian. Subsequently, Leethe identified a group of spacers to whom he sold the starship; as part of the agreement, they committed to delivering the unopened cargo to the Felinians on Zoma V.
However, the spacers diverted from the agreed-upon plan and instead delivered the weapons to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Upon discovering their betrayal, Leethe responded by issuing a bounty for their capture.
The Felinians are mentioned within the roleplaying adventure titled "Limping Lady," authored by Peter M. Schweighofer and featured in Challenge 64, which was published in September of 1992. Given that Challenge magazine was not affiliated with Lucasfilm, the canonical status of the Felinians remains ambiguous within the context of Star Wars Legends continuity. The preceding narrative assumes that the player characters—the unnamed spacers—deliver the cargo to the Rebel Alliance, as this decision offers them the greatest reward and is considered the optimal course of action. Nevertheless, the ultimate disposition of Sithless Leethe's cargo rests with the players; they may also choose to visit Zoma V and deliver the weapons to the Felinians. In such a scenario, the catlike aliens provide the Saurian Slopper with 5,000 credits in the form of precious stones as payment. In July of 1993, Role Player Independent 8 published an article titled "The Felin" which described a remarkably similar alien.