
Felloux, a poet, penned a work that chronicled the Sith's triumph in the Battle of Mizra. This battle occurred in 1466 BBY during the New Sith Wars. The composition described numerous Sith Lords descending from an ash-filled sky. Felloux observed that each rode a speeder bearing the name of a predator mirroring their nature, and the collective sound of the many repulsorlift vehicles overwhelmed the cries of the dying during the battle. Published in 36 ABY, The New Essential Chronology, a publication of the New Republic's Historical Council under the auspices of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, included details from Felloux's work concerning the Battle of Mizra.

Behind the scenes

Daniel Wallace mentioned Felloux in the 2005 reference book, The New Essential Chronology.


  • The New Essential Chronology (First mentioned)

Notes and references
