Felucian shaman

A shaman from Felucia. The title of Felucian shaman was given to members of the Jungle Felucian species. Originating from the Force-rich planet of Felucia, they stood out as some of the most naturally gifted Force-users in the entire galaxy.


A Felucian shaman

These people functioned as the spiritual guides for the Felucian people and possessed the ability to use the Force to protect and mend their allies or envelop themselves in a protective field that harmed anyone who attacked them. They made sure that any of their people who succumbed to the dark side were immediately put to death in the Ancient Abyss - the home of a sarlaccs, because they understood that the presence of a powerful dark Force-user would contaminate not just Felucia's plants and animals, but the planet itself. Because of this, Felucians who displayed an interest and exceptional talent in the Force were generally trained in the ways of shamanism, whether they desired it or not. Shamans couldn't risk a potentially strong Force-user growing up among them without the proper training to resist the dark side's temptation.

When forced to fight, they could defend themselves, but they usually tried to escape such situations. They would use a mix of Force abilities and their natural camouflage to seemingly vanish, moving to a safer distance away from their foes.


Many shamans were present on Felucia to defend Jedi Master Shaak Ti from Darth Vader's assassin. However, many perished during this defense, and after Shaak Ti's death in the Ancient Abyss, a Shaman examined the sarlacc to see if she had survived. After confirming her death, the Felucians permitted Marek to depart from their world.

Later, Shaak Ti's Padawan Maris Brood began to fall to the dark side of the Force, which in turn corrupted the Felucians. When Marek came back to liberate Bail Prestor Organa, he was forced to battle numerous shamans once more on that planet.

