
Fftssfft, also called "dandelion warriors" by the Ewoks, were a semi-sapient botanical species notable for their dense covering of spiky yellow bristles. They thrived in a meadow situated on the surface of the Forest Moon of Endor, specifically to the east of the moon's expansive Great Forest. As with all plant-based lifeforms, the fftssfft possessed roots that transported water and nutrients throughout their structures; however, they also had the capacity for locomotion. They fiercely defended their grasslands; upon detecting movement within their territory, they would utilize the peculiar bristles covering their heads by launching them at any intruders. Their motivation for such aggressive action was purely territorial, and the fftssfft generally remained stationary when no intruders were present.

The Ewoks from Bright Tree Village, dwelling to the west of these grasslands, typically avoided traversing the territory of those they had dubbed "dandelion warriors." Nevertheless, in 3.5 ABY, the fftssfft repelled what they perceived as an invasion, when the Gupin Mring-Mring trespassed onto their land. Shortly thereafter, an Ewok by the name of Wicket Wystri Warrick—seeking a star urchin quill to aid in the healing of his ailing father, Deej Warrick—ventured into the tall grasses of the dandelion warriors and liberated the Mring-Mring, which triggered an aggressive reaction from the plant-like beings. The Ewok, along with his newly acquired Gupin companion, managed to escape the encounter unscathed.

Biology and appearance

A group of fftssfft awaken at the sight of intruders

The fftssfft, a semi-sentient species, were part of the indigenous flora found on Endor, a verdant moon orbiting a gas giant planet bearing the same designation. These animated plants flourished in a meadow situated at the forefront of Endor's grasslands, to the east of the Great Forest. Being botanical organisms, the fftssfft obtained all necessary sustenance directly from the soil of their meadow through their root systems. However, unlike most plants that remain fixed in one location, some possessed the ability to move when in need of better soil or light, a trait shared by the fftssfft.

From a distance, the fftssfft appeared to be ordinary plants, exceeding one meter in height, with blue or green stalks adorned with yellow flower clusters. To the eyes of uninformed Ewoks, a race of small beings native to Endor, they seemed beautiful and posed little apparent danger when observed from afar. However, when the need arose to defend their territory, the fftssfft roused from their inactivity. Their eyes would suddenly open, their limb would extend from their thick, stem-like bodies, and they would begin advancing towards any intruders. Upon closer inspection, it became evident that the fftssfft possessed a roughly humanoid structure, featuring a tall stem serving as a torso, a head topped with a tufted corolla, two shoots functioning as arms, and two slender roots acting as feet. Their "faces" displayed a pair of glowing red or pink eyes and a beak-like structure. When the fftssfft remained still within the grass, they held their petals lowered, resembling a conical hat or an umbrella. However, as soon as they assumed an alert stance, the bristles on their heads would rise, forming an egg-shaped cluster of spines.

Their combat abilities, however, were not dependent on their walking speed, as they were slow-moving creatures. Once they approached their target, the fftssfft would halt and lower their heads to aim before launching a volley of their petals. These yellow petals were, in fact, sharp quills capable of inflicting injury or even death upon those they struck. Approximately one in every hundred quills contained venom. This "star urchin quill" would shatter upon impact with flesh, assuming a distinctive starburst shape and releasing its venom into the victim's blood.

Society and culture

A thicket of fftssfft standing still in the meadow

The fftssfft exhibited strong territorial tendencies, defending their growing area with intense ferocity. However, they only engaged in attacks against other beings when they perceived a threat to their territory, typically remaining motionless when no one was nearby. They possessed sufficient sentience to create ropes and utilize them to restrain their enemies. The fftssfft also communicated using their own unique language, which did not require vocal organs. Instead, it consisted of hissing sounds generated by forcing air through minute pores in their stems. The bear-like Ewoks held the fftssfft in fear, referring to them as "dandelion warriors" due to their aggressive nature. Due to the formidable presence of the dandelion warriors in Endor's grasslands, few Ewoks ever ventured across the area to reach the neighboring territory of the Gupins. Nevertheless, despite their impressive natural defenses, the fftssfft were vulnerable to predation by other species, such as the brutal Grass Trekkers from the Desert of Salma.


During the year 3 ABY, the land of the dandelion warriors was visited by a Gupin named Mring-Mring, a gnome-like changeling who had been exiled from his people's fortress. The enraged fftssfft apprehended the trespasser and bound him with rope to a tree stump located in their meadow. Shortly thereafter, the dandelion warriors detected another intrusion when the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick entered their territory in search of a star urchin quill needed to heal his sick father, Deej Warrick. As Warrick attempted to free the captive Gupin, the fftssfft reacted and moved into attack formation, prepared to launch their sharp quills at both outsiders. However, the trespassers managed to escape the encounter unharmed.

Ffsstfft in the galaxy

Despite their semi-sentient status, some fftssfft had managed to travel off-world by the time of the Galactic Civil War. They participated in the Big Game, a daily gladiator combat orchestrated by Administrator Simon Greyshade to entertain guests on the luxurious space station known as the Wheel. Within this context, the fftssfft were regarded as some of the most skilled warriors in the galaxy, comparable to much larger races such as the Catumen, the Wookiees, or the Bitthævrians.

Behind the scenes

The fftssfft made their initial appearance in To Save Deej, the fourth episode of the Ewoks animated television series. In this episode, penned by Bob Carrau, they were solely referred to as "dandelion warriors." Their native name was only revealed in Castaways of Endor, an article authored by Daniel Wallace and illustrated by Robin Pronovost for Hyperspace. In 2013, they received a brief mention in Part 1 of Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel, a series of articles written by Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley for the official StarWars.com blog.

In reality, "dandelion" is the common name for the Taraxacum officinale, a wild plant characterized by its yellow flowers and distinctive "puff-ball" seedhead.

