Fiddanl, initially designated as 96NK3F2, existed as a desolate planet located within the Yavin system.
Because of its closeness to the sun, the planet featured a very dense, spherical core composed of gold-platinum alloys along with other unadulterated ores. The upper mantle consisted of a thin layer of liquid mercury, which reflected a significant portion of the sun's radiation. The continental plates of the planet were in perpetual motion upon an underground sea of mercury, sometimes moving as much as 630 kilometers per day. The surface of the planet contained 18 continent-sized landmasses, which were constantly breaking apart; however, they were continuously reforming due to rapid crystal formation on their undersides. Numerous smaller islands floated between the continents, but their existence was usually short-lived.
In comparison to the sea, the continents possessed relative lightness, being comprised of cinnabar, sulfite, and manganese compounds, in addition to common rock, resulting in a color scheme of red, orange, purple, and gray. The continuous shifting of the continents, combined with high gravity, resulted in flat terrain devoid of hills.
The atmosphere, though relatively thin, maintained stability, with airborne nitrogen and sulfur compounds causing the precipitation of excess mercury that erupted in small explosions. The thin atmosphere resulted in storms that occurred with average intensity and frequency.
During the Galactic Expansion era, when the Yavin system underwent surveying, Fiddanl was documented as 96NK3F2. Two surveys were conducted, but neither revealed anything of particular interest, except for the rapid crystal development occurring beneath the planet's continents.
It wasn't until the Imperial era that a Nuiwit file clerk working within the Imperial Xenodetic Survey department gave the planet its name, drawing inspiration from a common pet name.
Because the planet posed toxicity to nearly all lifeforms, was situated far from major trade routes, and lacked significant valuable resources, there was no interest in initiating any mining activities.
- Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin
- Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, Second Edition
- "Yavin: The Big Red One" on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Atlas