
Nuiwit, originating from Altor 14, were a species of sentient lizard-like beings. Unlike the predatory Avogwi, who also inhabited Altor 14, the Nuiwit subsisted entirely on plants. To avoid being eaten by predators such as the Avogwi, Nuiwit developed specific adaptations. These included eyes that protruded, granting them a 360-degree field of vision, and a tail capable of detaching when seized by a predator. A detached tail could regenerate in approximately one month. Being cold-blooded, the Nuiwit restricted their activity to the cooler temperatures of morning and evening. While generally moving on four limbs, they could stand upright on two legs, using their tail for balance. When standing on two legs, they measured between 1.3 and 1.5 meters in height.

Nuiwit SL A Nuiwit on Ord Mantell The evolution of Nuiwit society was also influenced by the need to evade predators. The necessity of forming tightly knit communities for protection against the Avogwi spurred the development of agriculture and, eventually, civilization. Possessing fully functional hands on their forelimbs, a trait absent in the Avogwi, the Nuiwit had achieved a relatively advanced level of technology by the time the Rego Mineral Company discovered their homeworld in 15 BBY. This technology included sophisticated farming techniques, mining operations, and even the creation of rudimentary droid technology. Following the exchange of mineral rights with the Rego Mineral Company, the Nuiwit discovered a substantial demand for their locally produced crafts throughout the galaxy.

Despite having broader interactions with the galaxy and possessing comparatively advanced technology, the Nuiwit could have easily conquered or even eliminated the Avogwi. However, the Nuiwit adhered to strict pacifism, abhorring all forms of violence. Consequently, they were content to passively await the Avogwi's displacement by the expanding Nuiwit settlements and agricultural lands. This commitment to pacifism permeated every facet of their society, including their political structures. Nuiwit were governed by collaborative "Councils of Elders" who reached decisions through consensus.

Nuiwit SL2 A Nuiwit watches two Twi'leks dance in Launch station 2349. Despite their increased interaction with off-worlders, they were seen less frequently outside their home planet than the Avogwi. The primary exceptions were members of small dissenting groups who sought assistance from other races in addressing the Avogwi situation. Two Nuiwit were recorded playing fan-tan against Han Solo at the Fifteen Moons Casino on Ord Mantell, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Additionally, some Nuiwit resided on Shador, where they attempted to rob Solo within the town of Mud Station.

Behind the scenes

In The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, the sentient "Altorians" are mentioned, but it remains uncertain if this refers to the Nuiwit or the Avogwi.

