
The Anomids, a race of pale-skinned humanoids originating from Yablari, were recognized as one of the galaxy's most affluent societies, a status achieved through their innate talent for technology. For a considerable time, Anomids were integrated into the Galactic Republic, and across the populated galaxy, they were commonly observed as technicians, explorers, or tourists.

Biological Traits and Physical Appearance

Anomids, classified as humanoids, generally stood between 1.7 and 1.9 meters in height. Their skin possessed a translucent quality, exhibiting subtle coloring ranging from a delicate violet hue to a light purple shade; its texture was smooth, though it developed wrinkles with age. They possessed sizable, slender hands, each adorned with six fingers: two outer fingers, two central fingers, and two thumbs, each tipped with a sharp claw. These fingers were arranged in pairs and exhibited slight separation from one another. The Anomids' eyes were uniformly colored, lacking visible irises or pupils, and were observed in various shades of yellow or blue. Pointed, fin-shaped ears extended from the sides of their heads. Anomid hair was typically long and meticulously maintained, consistently appearing in shades of black, gray, or white. Certain Anomids displayed bald heads with wrinkled skin and sparse hair, although this might have resulted from aging, as other, presumably younger, Anomids were seen with abundant hair. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Anomids was the metallic masks, often intricately designed and aesthetically pleasing, that they wore covering the lower portions of their faces. These masks were not breath masks, as many outsiders may have assumed, but rather vocalizer units. Anomids were born without vocal cords, and as such, many chose to embellish their faces with these devices to improve communication with the galaxy, since learning or even comprehending the six-fingered sign language of the Anomids was a difficult, if not impossible, task for most humanoids or droids constructed in a humanoid form.

Societal Structure and Cultural Norms

Elaborate masks that concealed a significant portion of their faces were almost always worn by Anomids. These masks functioned as vocalizer units, not breath masks. Given that Anomids lacked vocal cords, they depended on these vocalizer masks to engage in communication with other species. Frequently, these masks were intricately customized to signify an Anomid's societal standing, familial heritage, or professional role. Among themselves, Anomids used a complex sign language to communicate. The usage of Anomid sign language necessitated six-fingered hands, rendering it challenging for Humans or Human-programmed protocol droids to master.

Anomids with vocalizers.

The Anomids were governed by a Central Council, whose members were chosen by regional groups of techno-nobles, academics, and business magnates for terms lasting between one and seven years. Their legal framework was unwieldy, as laws were never revoked. Instead, new laws were enacted to counteract or modify existing ones. Often, individuals from other worlds studied the complexities of the Anomid legal system, either to gain insights for their own legal systems or to recognize pitfalls to avoid.

Historical Overview

The Anomid civilization possessed a rich history characterized by pacifism and technological advancements. Despite being the first to develop hyperdrive technology, they refrained from venturing beyond their home system for a century. They finally dispatched probes to other systems around 15,000 BBY, prompted by a drought that threatened food production on their home planet. After encountering a Duros colony capable of augmenting the food supplies of the Yablari system, the Anomids cultivated a profound interest in interacting with other cultures. Soon, they became active participants in the Galactic Republic, acquiring technologies and other concepts from foreign cultures to enrich their society. Among the initial technologies they adopted were advanced agricultural techniques from the Ithorians, for which the Anomids remained perpetually grateful. Much of the technology developed or acquired by the Anomids pertained to agriculture, as food constituted the primary export and import of the Yablari system. They also possessed expertise in the miniaturization of computer components, although they declined to engage in the development of computers for military purposes.

During the Cold War, Anomid technicians came across the schematics for an ancient Columi machine and planned to reconstruct it using contemporary materials.

Anomids on Aris.

The majority of Anomids adhered to pacifist principles, with historians suggesting that no significant wars had ever occurred within the Yablari system. However, around 50 BBY, a dissenting subculture emerged among the younger Anomids. These nonconformists favored light, sleeveless attire over the oversized robes favored by most Anomids and rejected the traditional pacifist ideals. In the lead-up to the Clone Wars, numerous Anomids residing on Coruscant were affected by an outbreak of Brainworm Rot Type A, as were Wol Cabasshites.

During the Imperial era, the Central Council experienced internal divisions but supported the Empire for the benefit of the Yablari system. Conversely, Rebel operatives often sought to befriend Anomid travelers, hoping to persuade them to contribute funds to their cause. Some Rebel safe havens utilized Anomid food technology to extend their limited supplies.

Anomids' Role in the Galaxy

Anomids who ventured beyond their homeworld were often rogues or nonconformists whose political beliefs clashed with those of their homeworld's Central Council. During the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War, the majority of Anomids sided with the Republic, while those marauders found throughout the galaxy could be found with a number of allegiances, including the Hutt Empire and Darth Malgus' New Empire in an organization known as the Schism Collective. Others sought new technologies or corporate connections which could be made in other regions of the Republic. Rarely getting involved in any form of military or defense force, Force-sensitive Anomid were drawn to the ideology of the Jedi Order.

