Imperial Dungeoneers pictured on Byss. Imperial Dungeoneers functioned as troopers within the Imperial Army, tasked with the supervision of clandestine dungeon ships, penal institutions, and forced labor camps under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Empire.
Dungeoneers received two distinct armor configurations. For low-security environments, they were equipped with lightweight Imperial Army armor for the chest, shoulders, and helmet, along with breath masks, riot guns, and glop grenades. Armor intended for high-risk situations mirrored stormtrooper armor, complete with a helmet comlink, ten-meter range audio-visual motion sensors and record broadcasters, and self-contained air supply systems.
Both armor types incorporated an electronic locking mechanism, essential for armor removal, which prevented inmates from taking the guards' armor. In addition, both configurations featured utility packs containing neuronic whips, a set of 24 wristbinders, blasters, riot guns, buzz-knucks, stun batons, and power swords.
Although typically rarely observed, manpower deficiencies led to their redeployment to frontline combat roles during the Imperial Civil War. While some were drawn from existing military personnel, the majority consisted of clones. Serving under the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, these soldiers collaborated alongside Imperial Sentinels in the safeguarding of valuable detainees, such as Luke Skywalker.