Tiree, a Human male of youthful age, served as a starfighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. During the year 0 BBY, he participated in the Battle of Yavin as Gold Two within Gold Squadron, acting as a wingman for Gold Leader Jon Vander. Tragically, he became the first of his wingmates to be downed by Darth Vader.
Tiree, a youthful Rebel pilot, gained recognition for his involvement in a raid targeting Corellia. Piloting a BTL Y-wing starfighter under the call sign Gold Two, he played a crucial role in rescuing engineers whose expertise proved invaluable to the Rebellion.
Later, during the Galactic Civil War, Tiree once again served with the Alliance's Gold Squadron in the Battle of Yavin. He continued to use the designation Gold Two, piloting a Y-wing modified with enhanced lateral thrusters, designed to improve the starfighter's ability to attract and evade incoming fire.
Tiree flew in formation with Gold Five Davish "Pops" Krail, providing a defensive screen for Gold Leader Jon "Dutch" Vander during the Rebels' initial trench run against the Death Star. Following Vander's instructions, Tiree diverted all available power to his Y-wing's front deflector screen to withstand the barrage from the space station's turbolaser batteries, which he wryly described as "a little aggressive". After locking his targeting computer and receiving confirmation of the imminent attack on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, Tiree noticed that the turbolasers had abruptly ceased firing as three enemy fighters, led by Darth Vader, entered the trench. Tragically, Tiree was swiftly shot down and killed when Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 struck his Y-wing's engines, triggering an electrical explosion within the cockpit before his fighter was consumed by flames. Princess Leia Organa remembered Tiree as a good man, and his wingmates soon joined him in death.
The role of Tiree was portrayed by Jeremy Sinden in the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
Despite Gold Five identifying his wingman as Tiree in A New Hope, the specific individual referred to by the name—Gold Two or Gold Leader—remains ambiguous. The association of the name Tiree with the pilot known as Gold Two first appeared in 1984's A Guide to the Star Wars Universe.
In the novelization of A New Hope, Tiree's squadron is identified as Red Squadron, and Tiree himself is designated as Red Two.
The helmet prop used for Tiree was subsequently worn by Habeer Zignean in The Empire Strikes Back.