Findal Kett was the individual in charge of Kett Shipping, a business that transported ore and nova crystals from the planet of Cotellier in the Rseik sector up the Sanrafsix Corridor to Kabal. Afterward, they would transport grain and other necessary goods back to Cotellier.
In the year 214 BBY, the Bordal Contagion, a deadly illness that caused beings' lungs to fill with fluid, resulting in death, erupted within the Rseik sector. Findal Kett's enterprise, Kett Shipping, was responsible for transporting shipments of an antidote for this disease from Kabal. However, a significant quantity of six million doses was lost when their ships were attacked by Fujari pirates. Following this event, the Rseikharhl initiated their own production of the antidote in their laboratories. They, along with Findal Kett and the Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmiths Guild, successfully negotiated their entry into the Trade Federation, receiving assistance against the Fujari. By the time Findal's descendant, his great-great-great grandson Firmus Kett, was leading Kett Shipping, the Trade Federation had successfully brought order back to the Rseik and Tamarin sectors. However, they now controlled Kett Shipping's trade of ore and crystals, alongside spice.