The Rseikharhl were a sentient species originating from Rseik, a planet situated within the Rseik sector of the Outer Rim Territories. By the year 214 BBY, the Rseikharhl had achieved considerable technological advancement, demonstrated by their ability to produce antidotes to combat the Bordal Contagion in that year, after Galactic Republic shipments were plundered by Fujari pirates. With the Republic unable to provide assistance to the sector, the Rseikharhl, alongside Kett Shipping, the Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmiths Guild, and other regional entities, convened a meeting with a representative of the Trade Federation, resulting in many of these organizations joining the Trade Federation. The Rseikharhl engineered droids like the LE-VO law enforcement droid, which they deployed for law enforcement purposes across the entire sector. During the era of the Galactic Empire, this species was under Imperial control, and their droids had become widespread throughout the galaxy, particularly on planets located on the galactic frontier.

Largely due to the LE-VO law enforcement droids manufactured by the Rseikharhl Droid Group, the Rseikharhl maintained effective law enforcement throughout their home sector, known as the Rseik sector, which bordered the Minos Cluster, Tarabba, Tamarin and Svivreni sectors. During the time of the Bordal Contagion, the Rseikharhl utilized their own resources to establish laboratories and produce antidotes to combat the epidemic, which was killing the Bordali. Under the governance of the Galactic Empire, this technologically proficient species meticulously designed and programmed droids to adhere to Imperial regulations and employ force only when absolutely necessary. The Rseikharhl prioritized preventing wrongful deaths over apprehending every criminal, given the droids' emphasis on the least violent resolution. Reflecting both the Rseikharhl's values and Imperial mandates, the species' droids were generally equipped with non-lethal stun weaponry.
The Rseikharhl species originated on Rseik, located within the Rseik system, which was part of the Outer Rim Territories. By 214 BBY, the region of space encompassing the Rseikharhl homeworld was recognized as the Rseik sector. This sector had a sparse population and was troubled by numerous pirate factions. The Galactic Republic, which governed a substantial portion of the galaxy at that time, had largely disregarded the area for approximately a century. In 214 BBY, a lethal epidemic known as the Bordal Contagion began decimating the Bordali population. The Republic developed an antidote, but the convoy transporting it was attacked by Fujari pirates. In response to the Republic's failure to provide further aid, the Rseikharhl established laboratories and synthesized the antidote for the Bordali, but they could not produce it quickly enough to prevent millions of Bordali from dying.
Following the Bordal Contagion crisis, the Rseikharhl, the Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmiths Guild, Kett Shipping, and other regional entities convened to address the situation and decided to arrange a meeting with a representative from the Trade Federation, a powerful galactic commercial entity. After a single day of discussions with the representative on Syned, covering the planets, their economic circumstances, and the various pirate groups operating in the area, the organizations present at the meeting joined the Trade Federation. One Rseikharhl company that became a member of the Trade Federation was Rseikharhl Hullspace. Shortly thereafter, warships belonging to the Trade Defense Force overwhelmed the pirates in the region. Eventually, the Trade Federation secured control over the entire Rseik sector.
By the era of the Galactic Civil War, fought between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the Rseikharhl were recognized as a technologically advanced species and were subject to Imperial authority. During this period, the species had extended its influence to police the entire Rseik sector, often with the assistance of Rseikharhl-designed droids. One such droid model was the bipedal LE-VO law enforcement droid, engineered by the Rseikharhl Droid Group. The model's non-lethal programming proved remarkably successful, as the droids secured over 22,000 arrests without causing any fatalities over a ten-year span. Given this record, the Empire permitted the Rseikharhl to continue deploying the droids to police their sector, despite the model's sophisticated design.
Rseikharhl designs could be found across the galaxy, serving in police forces and private security firms. The droids were particularly prevalent on numerous frontier worlds in the Outer Rim Territories, such as Tatooine, acting as local constabularies. At some point during the conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, the droids were available for purchase at 9,000 credits from both the illicit Cynabar's Droid Datalog and the pro-Imperial Galladinium's Galactic Datalog of Fantastic Technology.
The Rseikharhl were conceived for the 1995 West End Games sourcebook Galladinium's Fantastic Technology, as part of an entry on the LE-VO law enforcement droid created by Mike Kogge for The Fantastic Technology Contest. In 1997, the droid and the Rseikharhl were mentioned again in Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids, authored by Drew Campbell and Eric S. Trautmann. The Rseikharhl homeworld was confirmed to be Rseik by The Essential Atlas co-author Jason Fry in 2010. Initially, the Rseikharhl were slated to be mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book penned by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, but the relevant section was removed. However, in 2014, the excised section was published in "Showdown at Naboo," the sixth installment of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut.
"Showdown on Naboo" noted that the Galactic Republic had largely ignored the Rseik sector for approximately a century, but the article did not clarify whether the sector and the Rseikharhl were under Republic jurisdiction. The article also referenced Rseik, but did not specify whether it was a planet or another type of celestial body. The Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook identified the species' primary sector as the "Rseikharhl" sector, differing from the Rseik sector designation used in the West End Games books and "Showdown on Naboo." This article assumes that the Rseik sector spelling is correct. In Galladinium's Fantastic Technology and Cynabar's Fantastic Technology, "Rseikharhls" is provided as the plural form of the species name, while "Showdown at Naboo" gave "Rseikharhl" as the plural form. As "Showdown at Naboo" is the most recent source, this article treats "Rseikharhl" as the correct plural spelling for the species name.
- Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (Initial Mention)
- Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
- The Essential Guide to Warfare (Cut Content)
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook (Indirect Reference Only)
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 6: Showdown at Naboo on (article) (backup link)
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook (Indirect Reference Only)