Fleck was a Human male, working for Gamgalon on Varonat during the year 8 ABY. When Talon Karrde and Quelev Tapper arrived on Varonat, he and Buzzy were there to greet them.
Living in Tropis-on-Varonat on the planet of Varonat, Fleck was a male Human. He was employed by Gamgalon, a Krish crime lord whose Great Jungle safari (ostensibly for hunting Morodin) served as a front for his illicit activities. Fleck's job was that of a come-up flector; he waited at the starship landing field in Tropis-on-Varonat, looking for potential safari clients.
In 8 ABY, Buzzy and he were at the landing field when the Uwana Buyer arrived, carrying two Humans: Pandis Hart, a Syndic and chief purchasing agent for the Sif-Uwana Council, and Captain Seoul, his pilot. Due to hyperdrive malfunctions, they had landed on Varonat and needed a mechanic. Fleck arranged for Buzzy to find the mechanic while he tried to persuade Hart and Seoul to go on a safari while they waited, as repairs would probably take several days. Hart agreed, and after some negotiation, Fleck and Hart settled on a price of 17,000 credits for both Hart and Seoul.
Timothy Zahn penned First Contact, Fleck's debut, as a short story in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1. It has since been reprinted in Tales from the Empire, The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4, and on Hyperspace.