Gamgalon was a big-game hunter of the Krish species and the leader of a criminal enterprise located on Varonat.
Gamgalon's operation on Varonat involved organizing Morodin-hunting safaris. These safaris were a front for collecting aleudrupe berries, which were used in the production of blaster gas. Unbeknownst to many, the Morodins were actually sentient beings, rendering the safaris illegal under Imperial law. However, Gamgalon had an agreement with the Imperial governor of Varonat, which ensured the hunts were never questioned.
In 8 ABY, Talon Karrde, a smuggler, participated in one of these expeditions, as he suspected Gamgalon's true activities. Karrde and his associate Quelev Tapper discovered the Morodins' sentience. When Gamgalon found out about their discovery, he, along with his employee Falmal and three other Krish, captured the pair. Tapper was later killed while attempting to escape. Gamgalon and his group led Karrde through the jungle, until Mara Jade Skywalker rescued Karrde, killing both Gamgalon and Falmal with a blaster shot to the chest.
On another occasion, Gamgalon attempted to extract a nine-hundred-meter-long space slug from an asteroid within the Hoth system for a bounty of one hundred thousand credits. He anticipated that the complexity of the operation could result in additional expenses.